Tuesday, July 8, 2008

For the past couple weeks I've had the best time of my life. It was at the weirdest thing, I thought I would be dreading going to school everyday and stressing out about my exams and quizzes and what grade I got. Well that was not the case, I have made friends that I know I'll keep for the rest of my life and those people that I have met, got me through these amazing 5 weeks.

I have also learned a ton in my Sociology class and my teacher was great. I also have to give a shout out to my study group teacher Aryka, because she has been through it all with us, guiding us through our class in ways we can understand. Back to the class, my teacher Dr. Rajaram was so funny and was very wise and a great teacher, and always being their to help. So for the next, and future Summer Scholars you should keep Sociology its fun and it teaches you about different types of people and not to pre judge.

Summer Scholars is the best thing ever!!! I hope it continues for the longest time and I really don't know what I would have done this summer without it, also it will help me in the long run with my new connections to people and how to apply myself in a college setting. So thank you for all of you that made this possible!!!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This week on Monday June 30 I had my first job shadowing experience. For my career choice I would like to be a clinical pshchologist, just like my mother. What I thought would happen was that I would go to a small office and see that kind of reports that psychologist do, but that was not the case. Where I ended up going was straigh across the Milo Bail Student Center to Allwine Hall which to me was a little weird. Once I got to the fifth floor I recongized that I'm going into a science room.

When I got in there I met a guy named Adam who talked to me while the guy I was going to shadow showed up. So Adam and I talked a little about what I wanted to do and through that I found out that he studied to be a clinical psychologist too, also Adam told me the ins and outs of college. But the weird thing about it still is that I was in a science lab, well it turns out the instead of Adam being a clincal psychologist, he became psycobiologist, where they study the behavior of monkeys, birds, and rats and their hormones.

That is sort of interesting but that really wasn't what I wanted to do at all. The next thing that happend was that the guy I was supposed to shadow showed up finally and his name was Drew and he was pretty cool. Drew then took me around the labs and showed me the cutest, tiniest monkeys ever and i got to feed them Cherrios.

My experience was fun and interesting and I got to learn something that I never knew existed, but at the same time I didn't care for it that much, because I would like to study and dignose human patients and not anmial patients.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What are your achievements?

My achievements are what made me the person I am today. Some of them are very simple like me making it to my senior year. Other achievements I've made is that I reached my goal in track being the number one discus thrower on the team and going further than I ever thought i would. Also making it into this program is a big achievement, i made it out of hundreds of kids and I'm learning how to live the college life before anyone else I know. Exciting!!! The biggest achievement for me though is coming out of my shell and not being so shy to others and letting my new friends really get to know me. In the beginning i was very shy and didn't talk to anyone new, but i have completed that achievement this summer by making new friends that i believe I'll be talking to them forever.

What issues matter to you?

I really don't have a specific issue but one thing that really touches me is how my generation is blowing it!! It is ridiculous how all we think about is sex and drugs and we're wasting our lives partying. I mean we all need to have a good time but with the way our world is going now i doubt that it is going to get any better and my generation is doing nothing to help. We need to use the tools that are given to us and reach the highest level of success so our world will be better for our children and right now i absolutely don't see that happening.

Who has been an influence on you?

A person that has been an influence on me is Pam Helem aka Mom. She is my best friend and I'm not just saying that and she helps guide me through the tough ride. I look up to her soooo much, even though i might say thing that i don't mean and we fight like sisters everyday it's always OK. I also look up to her because she is kind and helps anyone she can and that's why i want to follow in her foot steps to be a psychologist and help others in need and i love doing it now. My mom and I are just alike so hopefully and can be where she is now and have a great family and be a successful business owner doing what i love!

Why do you want to attend our college?

I would like to attend the University of Oklahoma because it will sort of be tradition. My mom went there for her education for psychology and I would like to follow. i would also like to attend, to get to know myself and see what i can do. Oklahoma is very far and i want to experience being on my own. I'm an only child and have been shelter and had everything handed to me and being away from home will show me and my parents what I am made of. If i do succeed at you school my parents and everyone will be SHOCKED!!!! and very proud. Another plus is that i would get a great education and still follow in my mom's foot steps!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

In this first week on my summers scholars program i stayed in the dorms to get the real college expirence, it was AMAZING!!! i got a little tired though. Well the first thing that we did was go to a challege course in the wilderness and for me that was one of the hardest things, i HATE being outside with all the nasty creepy crawlers. Anyway these course that we went on was a huge challenge because i really am not trust worthy of wood and ropes and me connected to a tiny wire. In the end though i completed all the courses even though i did have a small minor break down but in the end it was all fun.

All together this first week was amazing and i met a ton of great new people and i got to know my friends from school a little better and i understand now kind of what college is about and how you have to work hard to earn everything. Now my challenge for the term of this program is to learn how to trust others that are willing to help me in the long run to succeed.

this group of people that i met a summers scholars are really great and help motivate each other and i really appreciate and they will forever being friends to me and will encourage me through this journey!!